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라인필터 엘레먼트

Efficiency measured per ISO 8573.1 ( 68? @ 100 PSIG )
Pre-filter element V - 0.02 bar (dry)-0.07 bar (saturated) - 99.99 % ( 3μ )
General Purpose Filter ZP - 0.03 bar ( dry )-
 0.10 bar ( saturated ) - 99.9999 % ( 1 μ ) / < 0.5 mg/m3 ( 1 barA & 20℃ )
Oil Removal Filter XP - 0.06 bar ( dry ) -
 0.15 bar ( saturated ) - 99.99999 % ( 0.01 μ ) < 0.01 mg/m3 ( 1 barA & 20℃ )
Super Fine Filter XP4 - 0.12 bar ( dry ) -
 0.28 bar ( saturated ) - 99.99999 % ( 0.01 μ ) < 0.001 mg/m3 ( 1 barA & 20℃ )
Activated Carbon Filter A -
 0.03 bar < 0.003 mg/m3 ( 1 barA & 20℃ ) with an inlet concentration of < 0.01 mg/m3
Activated Carbon Cartridge KTA -
 Depending on size 0.15-0.4 bar - bar ( Oil Removal as A grade )

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